Part 3 - LCL department manager Oleg Voskoboynikov answers popular questions on the matter of groupage cargo

LCL department manager Oleg Voskoboynikov tells about a favorite job and answers popular questions on the matter of groupage cargo.

What are the most common problems in transportation process and custom clearance?

Damage of cargo and packaging is the most common problem. Trans-shipping of the groupage cargo during the transportation process can negatively affect its condition. Especially in case when there are some transit ports. For example cargo is shipped from Foshan to Hong Kong, in Hong Kong it should be trans-shipped from one container to another and then it is shipped to Odessa, where it is trans-shipped from the container to the truck. But this problem can be avoided if you give proper instructions on the matter of packaging and labelling to a shipper. Of course, goods can be wet during the shipping as vessels are filled with water during the rainy season in tropics. Also goods can be damaged by frost. Once we shipped glue during the ground frost period. The carrier had to route the hose from the exhaust pipe to heat the awning trailer by warm gases to avoid glue spoilage as it spoils at a temperature equal and below -5C. Basically, the problems are the same for both FCL and LCL deliveries. The most important for LCL deliveries is not to skimp on packaging and to control shipper on the matter of it.

Can one be sure in safety of goods at the warehouse? Does agent bear responsibility at this time?

According to our freight forwarding contract we are responsible for cargo till the moment of delivery to client. To be honest shortages are possible either in China or in any other country. Once, 14 of 1400 ventilators were lost on the way from Singapore. Client turned a blind eye to the issue due to a horrible heat in Singapore. Sometimes a pallet with 1000 mobile phones with value of 50000 dollars is delivered absolutely intact. This type of cargo should be always insured. Moreover, I am asking to give instructions to shipper to pack this cargo in a black non-transparent envelope and tape to hide content. Sometimes part of cargo is not loaded by shipper. Once, 7 tablet computers were lost, but the loss was in boxes in the middle of the pallet. At warehouse thefts are made from outer boxes. It is preferable to ask shipper to do video of loading and the formation of the pallet. It should be done at shipper’s warehouse as the service is extremely expensive in ports (about 200-300 dollars without checking SKU for compliance).